Today, we launch a scientific study on behaviours of avatars in Second Life. We want to analyze trajectories of avatars to highlight differents styles of spatial experiences. This survey is purely scientific and has no direct commercial purpose.

Participation at this analysis is voluntary and unpaid. To participate, you have to click on a distributor, accept and wear the tracker. An information sheet is also distributed (with Instructions & Privacy Policy).
1 : Click on the distributor and accept the two objects (an information sheet + a tracker)

SLURL of this distributor :
2 : In your inventory, double click on the objet « Tracker (wear me) », or right-click on it and click on « wear ». The tracker is like a ring.

The object gets data about avatars who are wearing it, and only them. In a private database, we get, every five seconds about each tracker, the following informations:
- Name (Data processing will be done anonymously)
- coordinates (x, y, z)
- region (name of the island)
- hour
- date
We have a sample of 20 islands. The tracker only gets data on islands where the script’s execution is allowed for everybody. Yet, we have made the choice to don’t reveal name of the partners islands because we don’t want to encourage people to go on islands where they never go usually.
Following this study, interviews will be conducted with avatars who participated at this experiment. We collect the name of the avatar in our database with the simple aim of contacting you for this step.
You can rejoin The « DigitalCity Research Group » in SL to obtain more informations, or to contact me at : or Gehan Kamachi in SL.